Montag, 30. Januar 2012

WV88 Broadside Battlesuit Team

            WS  BS  S  T   W  I   A  Ld  Sv
Shas'ui     2   3   5  4   2  2   2   8  2+
Shas'vre    3   3   5  4   2  3   2   8  2+

Experienced veterans can wear broadside bettlesuits and are the most heavily armed of all Tau ground troops. Broadside teams utilise heavily modified version of the Crisis battlesuit armour. The standard jet pack is removed, wich frees up weight for the incorporation of some extremely heavy weapon systems. Broadside
teams must be able to engage and destroy heavily armoured targets and consequently, are equipped with the most devastating weapons in Tau arsenal.

Personal notes
not used yet

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