Montag, 30. Januar 2012

Warhammer 40.000

Wahammer 40.000 or 40k is a tabeltop game with many features. Wahammer 40.000 is the younger brother Warhammer fantasy both a created by Games workshop. Its a dystopia scienc fiction game.

Warhammer 40.000 take place in in the further and Warhammer in a fantasy world. Well thier are armis that are similar to each other like orks and Chaos and the same Developer, however the games are not the same.

As said Warhammer 40.000  takes place in further 40.000 years after christ.The humanity has advanced and is in control of the enty entire Galaxy but ther are enemys who try to destroy this empire or imperium as it called by their inhabits. The Emporor was the supreme commander over this imperium, but during the horus heresy, The emporor became wounded and has been sat on the golden thron he is'nt abel to move or speak so the inquisition and the inquisitors has taken control over the imperium until the emporor has rested from his wounds. The army I play is the Tau empire is are a very young and have to forg thier own history first. of course their are other armies, so thier is something for everyone.
We got the Eldar who like like elves but they are aliens, an old race. They where the masters of the galaxy some hundred milleniums ago but, now they stand on the the edge of destruction.
The Orks is the exact opposite of the eldar far away from dying out,  if an ork die they release spors that grow to new orks. Orks are brutal and primitive but are in endless numbers.

The Space marines are super human warriors who protect the galaxy from a all evil, they wield power armor
that give them more strength then a normal human. The Space marines operate in chapters.

The Chaos Space mariens are traitors who betryed the imperium eight melleniums ago. They have fallen for the corruption of Chaos that lives in the warp they ofton fight together with deamons.

The Dark eldar are almost the same for eldar what chaos space marines are for the imperium. I dont know so much about the dark eldar

The Necrons are locked in machine bodys, they ruled the galaxy even before the eldar did. But they haven been lured by the starlords and are know ther brainless servens.

There are other imperial armys the imperial-guard is the greatest army in the imperium. The Sisters of battle is the army of the inquisition toghter with Grey knights but the Grey knights see them rather the emperors own knights.

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